Surabaya – Di kalangan para blogger pasti sudah tidak asing lagi, jika mendengar info yang tersebar kapan hari kalau Pabrik Benelli dinyatakan bangkrut. Bahkan beberapa kawan-kawan blogger juga sempat memostingnya info soal itu, namun PB tidak ikutan loch 😆 . Nah, tadi siang pas masih kerja di Bengkel. Di PM sama punggawa Benelli Surabaya, yang mengirimkan jika berita yang ada kapan hari itu hanyalah isu semata atau lebih kerenya hoaks 🙄 Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca surat pernyataan resminya dibawah ini, semoga berkenan 😉
Dear All,
As you have heard from the news, actually Benelli has one legal case with a supplier regarding bankruptcy , as they point out that it has been caused by this supplier for a total amount of about 100.000 € which Benelli have already provided for the payment.
In order to solve this legal problem immediately Benelli have already started all the proper legal actions and they are very confident that they will close this issue very soon because Benelli has a solid financial situation and a balanced cash flow.
In the meantime all the activities of Benelli are continues normally, following their plans and pursuing their goals and they are sure that they can close this issue very quickly.
Explaining this situation and telling how things really are, also the italian magazine and Press all over the world report this news.
Here you see CYCLEWORD, one of the most important motorcycle magazine in the world:
Here you see MOTO.IT, the most important Italian motorcycle website:
<<Benelli Motorcycles failed. But it is a mistake.
The Pesaro court declares bankruptcy for an invoice in doubt. Benelli QJ recourse, expects the win>>Here you see DUERUOTE, the most important Italian motorcycle magazine:
<<Benelli is opposed to the bankruptcy decision.
The company at this time sees fast growing in sales. Despite Benelli contested the supply of suspension, the company has already paid it and has already appealed. Now everyone expects the Company’s win>> In the next months, four Benelli big new models, MiniBike, 302R, Leoncino and TRK502, will be launched on the market and they already plan the press launch events all over the world.
Itu kawan info klarifikasinya secara resmi, hanya saja ada penunggakan soal pembayaran kepada vendor lain. Yang saat ini sudah terselesaikan dengan baik, dan tentu saja tidak ada masalah lagi. Bahkan malah mengeluarkan product-product barunya lagi, yang paling PB demen model “Benelli TRK502″ itu loch. Bikin selera jalan-jalan berkendara PB semakin semangat, tapi entahlah. Datang ke Indonesia berapa lama lagi, hehehe….Thanks, semoga menginformasi 😀